If your aging parent is going to be bound to a wheelchair for the future and you worry about how they will get around their current home, there are some changes you can make and improvements that may make things easier. You want to be sure that they are still able to move about freely without problems.
You want to talk with a company that can help build a ramp to get into the home, and that can help create spaces that are ideal for the wheelchair. Get estimates for the following things.
Handicap Accessible Ramp
The construction crew can make a handicap accessible ramp not just for your parent to get into their home easily, but also that looks nice. They can make the ramp look aesthetically appealing, this makes it easy for your parent to get in and out of the house, and then you don't have to worry about lifting the chair or your parent. Have the quote include a mock drawing of how the ramp will look and where it will go.
Flat Patio
If your parent currently has a wood deck with steps or a deck with multiple levels you want to consider getting a flat patio. This could mean just putting in some pavers, or it could include getting a concrete patio poured. Talk with your parent about the budget and what type of look they want for the exterior of their home.
Bathroom Changes
A bathtub that you can sit in at chair height can make bathing an easy activity for your parent. If standing up in the shower is a danger and getting into a deep or ground level bathtub doesn't work, consider a handicap option. You may be able to install the shell in place of the current showering area easily but will want to make sure that you use expert installation.
If you know that your parent can no longer get around great on their own and that they need to use the wheelchair as often as possible, these are changes that you will want to make around the house. The ramp will make it easier for other people to get your parent in and out of the house, and the patio will allow your parent to still move around outside whenever they want. Find out what showering option will be the best and make the changes as quickly as you can.
Visit a website like Quick-Deck, Inc. to learn more.