Maple syrup is produced by boiling the sap from the maple sugar tree. The sap is reduced and will eventually turn into a thick mixture, which is referred to as syrup. If you enjoy the robust taste of maple, consider trying grade A syrup manufactured in Vermont. Syrup can be used in the traditional manner to complement the taste of pancakes or French toast and it will also add a unique flavor to ice cream, smoothies, yogurt, baked goods, and many other foods that you may not have considered pairing with syrup.
Purchase Syrup From The Source
Artificial sweeteners and syrup-like products that contain high-fructose corn syrup seem to be plentiful and are sold in many national grocery stores. Don't settle for a sugary product that contains ingredients that could be bad for your health. If you are going to be visiting Vermont, maybe you will want to tour a facility and learn firsthand how a batch of syrup is produced.
If you aren't visiting Vermont or live far from the state but you still want to try this syrup, you can order syrup from a reputable business and have it shipped directly to your home. Grade A Vermont maple syrup consists of syrups that are a medium or dark hue. As syrup is produced later in the season, it is no longer amber in color and possesses a concentrated maple flavor.
Try Some New Combinations
After treating yourself and your family members to a hearty breakfast that features pancakes and syrup, try some new combinations that involve adding syrup to a food item that you like. For instance, maybe you enjoy eating low-fat yogurt, but are looking for a way to add a little bit of flavor to plain varieties.
A drizzle or two of syrup will transform a somewhat bland bite into one that is packed with maple goodness and since you are adding all-natural ingredients to the product, you will not need to feel guilty about breaking your diet or overindulging in something that is not good for you.
Syrup can also be used in baked products and will add an interesting texture to a tray of brownies or cookies or a loaf of bread. Use the syrup sparingly for your first attempt and increase the amount of the product that is added to a personal recipe, until you come up with a ratio that you prefer. Use your new creations to entice your friends, co-workers, and loved ones.