Your restaurant's waste may include a daily combination of pre- and post-served food products, packaging, and materials that aid in the preparation of meals. All of this waste may have you questioning your current trash setup. Have an updated garbage removal plan, which involves using more consideration about what is being thrown out and where it will be placed.
A Modified Process
If kitchen staff fill up wastebaskets throughout the day and customers toss leftovers inside of receptacles that are inside of the dining area, you may deal with overflowing cans and some loose items not being bagged property. Implement healthy habits within your workplace. Assign a shift manager who will ensure that a biodegradable bag is secured inside of each kitchen or dining room waste bin. Biodegradable bags are better for the environment since they will be broken down over time.
Have a manager delegate the removal and transport of bags when they are full to prevent overfills within your restaurant. Address the area where you currently store trash that is going to be picked up by a removal service. If receptacles are within view of pedestrians or motorists who frequent your establishment, move them to an area that is alongside your property and that is stored behind a wall or fencing may be a better alternative.
People tend to draw their opinions about a business as soon as they see it and not having trash within view can drastically improve the visual appeal of your property, plus will block offensive odors.
Adequate Storage And Less Waste
Reducing waste will help you retain more of your profits, plus will not make it so cumbersome to prepare trash for the garbage removal process. Assess the amount of space that you have to store trash. If you rent a small dumpster or a series of cans and they fill up well before it is time to have your trash hauled off, upgrade your trash receptacles by renting a larger dumpster or more cans.
Working on the reduction of waste could ultimately mean that you won't need as much storage space, but this could also result in not needing to have a garbage removal crew pick up the trash as frequently as they do. You can also use one of the receptacles for another use, such as a place to store materials that can be recycled.
Take a look at your current budget and the amount that is spent on food. Compare these figures with what is thrown away on a daily and weekly basis. Reduced portions or purchasing less fresh products in advance could help you reduce costs and waste. For more information, contact a garbage removal service.